20 Cools Examples Of Boudoir Photography

Here are 20 cool photographs demonstrating the flavors of boudoir photography. The essence of boudoir lies in making the best use of light, contrast, color, composition and props to highlight the best side of female sensuality. If you haven’t read my article on boudoir photography, now is a good time to read it and come [...]

An Introduction To The Art Of Boudoir Photography

The term boudoir as in boudoir photography refers to lady’s private room or sitting area. Revolving around the concept of boudoir, the boudoir style photographs reflect intimacy, sensuality and the beauty of the woman. Boudoir is a popular genre of portrait photography which aims at artistic, tasteful and classic presentation of female form. It is [...]

5 Composition Tips For Stunningly Interesting Photos

Learning and practicing the photographic compositions acts as the foundation for great photographs. Either in the form of design principles or as composition elements, following the rules of composition always contributes in making the photographs impressive and attractive. As you advance a little further, the urge of refinement and perfectionism revitalizes in you the spirit for [...]

The excitement for the mirror-less cameras is gaining momentum. Making a mark with Panasonic’s DMC-G1in 2008, the trend of offering fast, light and small no-mirror design has surpassed all the major camera manufacturers. These mirrorless designs are categorized as the cameras with relatively larger sensor which shower the benefits of better image quality (even in [...]

How To Allow The Usage Of Your Digital Photographs

Photography as an art nourishes and gains exposure with criticism and appreciation. While traditionally, art galleries and exhibitions served as the medium for critiques, the digital age has introduced the photographers to an online platform as well. This online platform allows the photographers to publish their art on internet through online portfolio, photo sharing websites, [...]