Tips & Tricks

This is a guest post by Brian Williams. Brian is a marketing coordinator for Outdoor Photo Gear, a supplier of top quality photography accessories. In his spare time, Brian enjoys blogging and physical fitness, particularly golf and crossfit. As a photographer, passion is a key ingredient for success. When you’re willing to work so hard [...]

Down the years, it has often come to me as a surprise that even the experienced photographers have only a vague idea of what the depth of field is? and of the role it plays in creating fine photographs. But on reflection, I feel most of these people could be broadly classified as either landscape [...]

Contre-Jour is the French word which means ‘against daylight‘. It refers to the scenario when a photographer takes the shot of the subject placed right in front of the light source. Mostly photographers use daylight usually at morning or evening which allows them to naturally place the subject against the sun-light. The final images that [...]

Are you looking forward to gain online clientele for your photography business. What better idea than having a photography portfolio website? Having a photography portfolio website not only multiplies your opportunities of gaining the clients, it opens up the chances for boosting e-commerce activities like selling your prints, products or allowing digital downloads as well. [...]

Want to nail the exposure? Fed-up with the set defaults? Want to do it in manual mode? There are several steps to go before you actually start tuning the dials. Every camera has several metering options. It’s critical to understand and learn to use these in order to be able to nail the exposure manually. [...]