
20 Free And Useful Tools For Photographers

Photography is not only about taking the photographs. It is about making the photographs. While the purists believe in making good photographs with their cameras, the professional photographers are experts at photo editors, manipulating & retouching tools and follow marketing strategies to make the most from photography. Here’s a collection of free and useful tools [...]

E-Book Review — How To Shoot A Reportage By Enzo Dal Verme

In the words of Ansel Adams “A good photograph is knowing where to stand”. The thought holds true for shooting a reportage. The subject, when shooting as a photo-journalist is common (coverage of natural calamities, documentation of a city, journals of famous personalities, etc) and what makes the difference is how you interpret the scene. [...]

10 Inspirational Photography Quotes

Photography is a creative art, which nourishes with each photograph that you click. While some photographers understand photography as a medium of communication, presentation of reality, others describe the photography in terms of expression. Here are 10 photography quotes from some of the renowned photographers, all establishing the fact that photography is all about creativity [...]

Top 5 Online Photo Printing Services

In the days of the film development of the film was a pretty complicated process. Today in the times of digital photography, expectations have reached a new height. The colors and tones and sharpness have to be nothing less than perfect. Gone are the days when you had to visit the nearest photo lab to [...]