December 2010

Splash Photography — 25 Brilliant Examples Of Splashes

Splash photography is tricky, challenging, a great fun and requires precise timing. It is a refreshing experience to capture the splash of water. It looks classy in the transparency of plain water and adds interest in the photograph when the splash of colored liquid is captured. The precise timing associated with splash makes it tricky [...]

Portrait photography is perhaps the most common form of photography practiced. Portraits are about people and representing their personality in the photographs. Portraits form one of the most prominent subject in any field of arts; it serves the purpose of communicating cultures, traditions, events and celebrations. Learning to photograph people is a great experience. Getting [...]

How To Use ISO To Shoot In Low-light And Get A Grainy Effect

I SO represents the sensitivity of the image sensor of camera to light. In film cameras this is the sensitivity of the film. However since digital cameras do not use films, they simulate this effect by boosting the light amplification with digital circuits. Higher ISOs means greater film (or sensor) sensitivity and thus the lower [...]

How To Use Shutter-Speed To Induce Beautiful Motion Effects

T he shutter speed is the amount of time for which the camera stays open. It determines the duration for which the shutter curtains remain open to expose the film or camera sensor (in case of a digital camera) to the image. A high shutter-speed allows a very low amount of light to come in [...]

40 Spectacular Black And White Photographs

The black and white mono-chromatic world is full of unique and interesting visuals. It inspires you to look beyond colors to explore the shades of gray. Black and white photographs portray the classy timeless images yet with a surreal minimalism and sophistication. The language of grays is not only classy, timeless, moody and artistic; it [...]