June 2012

30 Stunning Examples Of Surreal Photography

Visual arts is highly influenced by the creativity of an artist. And that is why most of the times it is debated that the camera doesn’t matter, it is the skill, talent and art of an artist that comes to foreplay. While composition and lighting form the founding pillars of photography, photographer’s vision and imagination [...]

Why Do You Need A Fast Lens And What Is It?

Getting blurred or noisy pictures? Want to reduce this noise and be able to shoot in low-light conditions? Possibly receiving frowns from friends whose portraits you shot? You need a fast lens. What Is A Fast Lens? Remember aperture? Aperture is measured in f-stops. The larger the number the smaller the aperture, so f/5.6 is [...]

Digital photography is nothing more than the sophistication of photography. The art of photography has traversed ages, from daguerreotype in 1836 to rapidly evolving digital cameras. What changed with each new invention in the field of cameras and photography is the convenience of shooting the images. Once a luxury device, the camera is now more [...]

Confessions — 22 Facts About The Author And The Man Behind APN

A self-flattering photograph first… As a photographer and a blogger, after churning up so many articles about photography I somehow have this inkling of a sense of guilt building-up inside. Well if I’m a photographer, then why do I blog so much? Where’s my work and portfolio? Where are my clients? I bought my camera [...]

Featured Photographer — An Interview With Brian Smith

Brian Smith is an American photographer best known for his celebrity portrait photography. He started off as a sports photographer, took to journalism and then he quickly made his way to be a world renowned celebrity photographer. Anna Hathway, Tony Bennett, David Hyde Pierce, Richard Branson are just the few names Brian has worked with. [...]