
Enhancing Portraits — To Use A Diffusion Filter Or Not?

Professional portrait photographers employ a number of techniques to create flattering portraits — using a diffusion filter or a soft focus filter being one of them. Diffusion filter is a photography filter which sits right on the top of your lens and scatters the light entering the camera. It is made up of a translucent [...]

How To Add Sunflares And A Hazy Feel To Portrait Images

The luster and the unusual sheen of the sunflares can easily make you a fan of shooting in the sun with the lens flare effect. And your portfolio is pretty much incomplete if you haven’t used this “unusual” effect. Even though lens flare is a flaw, professional portrait photographers employ it creatively to sometimes add [...]

Photographing people, models, kids specially those who shy off in front of the camera can be tedious job. Posing them simply doesn’t work and you end up taking flat, boring and unflattering images of your dear ones and the self-conscious clients. It’s time to turn their weaknesses into their strengths, just kidding :) It’s time [...]

Quick Tip — Employ Window Light Magic For Amazing Portrait Shots

Natural lighting offers a lot of opportunities to make great photographs. Just like dawn and dusk are the best times to shoot outdoors, natural light pouring and streaming through the window make up for the best source of light indoors; anytime of the day. The quality of the window light is simply superb and adds [...]

5 Quick Techniques For Awesome Portrait Photos

Portraits? Come on… Well, but aren’t those the only photographs where the subject can talk back to you? Yes, portraits have the potential to get you the maximum reaction and promotion. And portraits are one of the most common types of photography — you don’t need to look for a nice subject with sunlight, greenery [...]