Author’s Intro: This is a guest post from Roxy. Roxy is a writer who loves to share ideas on photography, art and printing. Whether it is for personal or business needs, she can provide useful tips especially on creating postcard printing.
Photography is one of the most exciting and fun-filled activities or hobbies that anyone could like. You can easily fall in love with photography especially if you like capturing every great moments that pass by.
This art takes various forms and styles which can involve nature, people and even animals. Yes, your dearest pet can be the heart of what is known as the pet photography.
Pet photography is and can be done by anyone. You do not have to be a professional artist to get the right shots. You just need to be creative and enjoy the task with your huggable pets.
Before you start the session, here is a quick guide that can help you capture your buddy’s amazing moments.
1. Find The Right Location
The best of the bunch of tips and advice you get for pet photography is to select the ideal place for your pet’s photo shoot. A good location is a must for impressive pet shots.
Shooting in the places with abundance of natural light gives you an opportunity to effectively photograph the fine details like skin textures, feathery furs, sharp eyes and shiny hairs while keeping the problems like red eye effect at the bay. If it is not possible to shoot in such a place, you can always use a room with a big window or hold the photo shoot outdoors. This contributes in creating the mood while adding vibrancy to your pet’s color.
2. Capture the sleeping or lazy moments
One of the most fascinating moments for pet photography is when your furry friend is asleep or just acting plain lazy. Just strike the right position (the pose when your subject looks adorable) and take the shot to capture the charming qualities of your pets.
3. Create mood with your pet’s eyes
Capturing your pet’s eyes on photographic frame can be enchanting. You can portray a lot of emotions and mood in just one photo. So try to take the close-up photos of your pets — dog or cat. Be sure that you have the right amount of light to avoid over or under exposure. Try playing with your digital camera’s Macro setting which would be perfect for shots like these. Also, be smart enough to turn off the flash before the shoot.
4. Take a shot of the playful times
Nothing beats the laughter or smile that your pets show. Carry your camera with you and be ready to take the shot when they are out there playing. You never know when they would pose for that perfect pose — those goofy and lively faces.
With these simple to follow tips, you will definitely get your desired photos. Hang on a sec! One more important thing — order the prints and share them with your friends and family. These pictures will definitely brighten their day! You can even turn these into custom postcards for using them for personal mailing. You can also investing on the postcard printing so that the quality stays the same.
So, enjoy capturing your shared moments with your pets and don’t forget to share the joy!
About Author: Roxy is a writer who loves to share ideas on photography, art and printing. Whether it is for personal or business needs, she can provide useful tips especially on creating postcard printing.
Check out 11 more pet photography tips and cute pet pics here.