A lot of new things are happening at APN — a brand new design, photography forums and now a weekly photography assignment as well.
We are happy to start a regular forum feature on APN — APN Assignment. And the first topic for the assignment is Beautiful Flower Photographs. Be it taking macro shots with lot of fine and delicate details, playing around with high key & backlight magic or simply the bokeh effect complimenting the beautiful flowers; flower photographs simply look great. What adds to this is the fact that flowers are pretty easy to come by and are a popular and common subject for almost anyone.
If you’re just starting out with photographing the flowers, here are useful links to help you take great flower photographs:
Equip yourself with these tips, seek inspiration and get ready to submit your flower photographs here: Beautiful Flowers Assignment.
And while we are at it let me take a moment and tell you about a few shots that I myself took.

I’m clueless about the name of this flower. As much as they look beautiful, the scene was all cluttered with the city buildings in the background and it actually was a parking lot atop the hill. Carefully positioning the camera and adjusting the height helped change the background to the beautiful mountains (which I believe compliments the flowers).
The shot was taken at ISO 100, 1/1000, f/5.6 with a -1 stop of exposure bias.

Here’s another one. This is a lotus I photographed a while ago. The special thing about the story is that this flower had already been plucked by someone and was handheld when I zoomed in to 200mm and captured it on the fly. There was no thinking involved neither was there time for any. Luckily everything just fell into place; the negative space worked well, the colors in the background complimented the color of the photograph, just fine! Came out to be in golden ratio (if that makes a difference). I wish I had a little softlight, but then that’s the way things work most of the time when shooting outdoors.
The shot was captured at ISO 100, 1/3200, f/5.6 with an exposure bias of -2 stops. The beauty of the composition lies in the fact that this photograph looks just as gracious in black and white as in color.

Head on to the photography assignment beautiful flowers, submit yours and even tell the story of your own photograph →