Black & White

It takes a lot of experience and creative vision to visualize the beauty in mono-chromatic world of black and white photography. And it takes equally sound technique to capture awesome variety of these images. Here are 10 tips to help you get started with black and white photography for creating mood, interest and ultimate masterpieces. [...]

Post-processing is not the choice of purists. But if you’ve chosen to shoot in color and convert to black and white, it is a part of the deal. Welcome to the third part of the series on Black and White Photography which comes after a big pause – let’s welcome a new member in the [...]

Once you’re ready to look beyond the colors you’ll discover the beauty of the colorless world. Welcome to the second part of the Black and White Photography series. In Part I we saw how black and white photography fell a class apart from the colorful world, the kind of challenges black and white photography poses [...]

Black and white photography — An Introduction The language of grays is classy, timeless, moody, artistic and captivating. Black and white pictures draw a lot of viewers’ interest, attention and reaction. Color photographs tend to be boring at times because they are the same what our eyes see day and night. Unlike color photographs, black [...]