Author’s Intro: This is a guest post by Subroto Mukherjee. Subroto is an amateur photographer and has taken up photography as a passion. Apart from that he loves to read, write and explore more about photography; more from the technical aspect though. Beats there the heart so calloused by life’s ups and downs, by the [...]
Shivanand Sharma
Down the years, it has often come to me as a surprise that even the experienced photographers have only a vague idea of what the depth of field is? and of the role it plays in creating fine photographs. But on reflection, I feel most of these people could be broadly classified as either landscape [...]
This is part II of Nikon Coolpix P7700’s hands-on-review. Refer part I of the review here. The Back Plate Of The Camera A glance at the well-populated back plate will show that the P7700 means business. We‘ve discussed the vertically sliding control that activates the pop-up flash. We’ve also covered the well-knurled dials on the [...]
Canon and Nikon, the two major photo equipment manufacturers from Japan, have long been engaged in a titanic slugfest. Sometimes one gains the upper hand, sometimes the other. But in the cash rich US market, which is a prime target for camera manufacturers, it is Canon that enjoys the lead in terms of overall sales. [...]
This is Part II of the article titled “Is It Worth Buying Nikon D5100 Now That D5200 Is Here?”. Refer Part I of the article here. Effects: In line with its pre-determined role (as a so-called ‘entry level’ dslr that also has highly advanced features tucked in the menu) of capturing a high percentage of [...]