September 2010

18 Tips On Night Photography — Capturing The Beauty Of Night

Night time provides excellent opportunity  for photographers to get creative and explore unusual light conditions. Shooting during the night can be very challenging because of the limitations that the light poses. Here are some tips to help you take some excellent, colorful and beautiful shots during the night: Flash: The first thing a beginner will [...]

Fine-Art — The Complete Guide To Female Photography

This is a multi-part post on photographing fine art nudes. Due to the nature of the topic some people may find this topic offensive. So if you are underage or feel uncomfortable with this topics you may want to skip this post. Several readers have expressed interest in this particular photographing fine-art-nudes. So here’s a [...]

Serious Photography — 10 Advanced Form Of Photography

While photographing day-to-day scenes are fun, there are several special, unique, artistic and field-specific forms of photography which require art and skill beyond photography itself. Here are 10 such advanced forms of photography which are relatively unfamiliar. Aerial photography This involves capturing the earth’s structures as viewed from elevated positions. Don’t be confused with the [...]

How To Blur The Background To Compliment The Subject

Presence or absence of a background has a huge impact on your composition. A cluttered background draws the eye away from the subject. A complimenting background aids the eye to focus on the point of interest in the photograph. When taking a photograph, at times you may want to place your subject  in the context [...]